Little Paris
Bonjour !

Hello! Beautiful Strangers!

Bonjour! Hi I'm Jean. Welcome to My Paris Town. Please Leave a sweet note at the cbox below .. :) thx .... and please enjoy !

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Walking Talking

Big Clap

Template: Intan Aqilah
Widgets / credits: Chloe
Le owner: Jean ( me )

I Love :

Moustache !! XD:

Paris !! XD:

best friends | Tumblr


Somewhere over the rainbow is where our friendship ends .....
Thanks for being my best friend when i 'm lonely ,
thx for being to one who cheered me up , 
thank you so much for everything , 
I did not no what i did wrong , i dont no why this would happen , 
but it just came so sudden , 
I felt so emotional , i dont no why i cried , 
but i guess i just cant except what had happen , 
I though it would be easy to forget our everything , 
but i dont no why ..............................
I'm trying to forgive and forget: 
forgive myself for being stupid, and forget you ever existed.
It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follows.
maybe losing a friend to you doesn't mean anything ,
but to me ............. no one can ever imagine how it feels ..............................
I think you know that i am I'm someone lonely ,
and someone who doesn't like to talk much
I dont think its my fault , and i dont think i'm wrong .........
i'm just telling you how i feel and think ...........
if you cant except that than ....... i have nothing to say .................
I just want to say , thank you for everything .....
I will always cherish our laughter, smiles and our memories ....... =]
这就是我要对你说的最后一句话, 谢谢你当我孤独时 愿意当我的朋友 , 我真的恨感激你=] , 我想来想去都想不到我错在那里, 我真的只想要把我的想法说出来而已 , 我也想不到我们竟然会闹到这一种地步。。。。。虽然对你来说,少了一个朋友并不代表什么,因为你有的是人缘,但对于我来说 。。。。。。。。我以后也只会变回哪一个孤伶伶的我对,我也有错,错在不应该跟你说出我的想法对吧 ?  你呢?你会说出来吗?是因为我们彼此都太固执,谁都不敢道歉,认输......:((才会走到这样的地步对吧?=]] 我是因为关心你,才会这样告诉你, 因为我把你当成我的好朋友,把你当成我的好姐妹......对不起, 我也许也说话太过直接了 , 这也许是我的缺点吧...我知道我们已经没有挽回的地步了......我也只能对你说谢谢你在我曾经在我孤独时陪伴我, 这7个月以来,也是我今生最快乐的7个月, 因为,我终于有了属于我的好朋友........再见了,我的美梦.........



Why is must friendship always be like this?? Can't we just say happy and make friends?? I really don't understand ... HOPE MADDIE AND CHLOE COULD BE BFF :)
